Gourmet Three-Course Party
Sick of the same old recipes you keep recycling for every party you host? Well it’s time to spice things up and explore what else there is out there. It’s time to host a gourmet three-course get together! Have your guests each go online and find a new and exciting recipe that they have never made before (starter, main course, dessert) and have them bring it to your party. When the three course meal is finished, reset the table for a different kind of project. Have everyone create their own recipe book, and start the first few pages with these new delicious recipes! Put out binders or notebooks, and have everyone decorate the cover and then record all of the recipes they just enjoyed. Make sure to take pictures of the food ahead of time, before everyone digs in, so that you can paste them next to the recipe in the book. In the future, you can rotate hosting these sort of recipe-exchanging events and, before you know it, your recipe book will be filled with the new and trending recipes! So what are you waiting for? Go get cookin'!