Everything You Need to Make a New Year Bubbly Bar
Christmas isn't at the cornet yet! But you need to be prepared for the New Year's evening party, so you don't miss out on any fun out there. It is estimated that billions of people throw parties on the new year's night & evening. Therefore, one must be prepared with new ways of setting up the perfect bubbly bar for your guests. Here you will find everything you need to know about New Year's bubbly bar, so you don't regret anything regarding this special night.
Perfect Place for Bubbly Bar
The perfect place for a bubbly bar will make lots of things easier for you and your guests. That's why we have kept it at the top of the list. But, first, find a perfect venue or spot where you would be setting your lovely bubbly bar and serving your guest with honor.
The bubbly cart bar is perfect for throwing an epic new year's party. A little gold decor with some balloons and cards with directions for guests would make it stand out in the scene.
Moreover, if you are on a budget, you can keep it as simple as you want. A simple representation of everything you have for your guests with some minor decor will make your guest feel invited to the party.
However, if you cannot arrange a cart bar or don't want it for some other reason, you can set it up somewhere in your kitchen cabinet, dining table, or even in the bedroom. Just make sure your guests can grab the drinks when they need them.
Brilliant Cart Bar Decor
When it comes to cart bar decor, it's all about representation patterns that you need to take care of. Firstly, decorate the cart bar's surroundings that will enhance the aesthetic flair of the scene.
Balloons are sweet elements, and also they are inexpensive. Use lots of balloons in the surroundings, anywhere you think you would put everything together in the scene.
Use the different ingredients on the cart bar to attractively present the drinks to the guests.
Leave some space for the flowers or vase to add the extra finishing touches to your cart bar. Try to Use the seasonal flowers - we usually go to a nearby park to collect the dropped flowers for decorating.
Elegant Glass Collection for Bubbly Bar
Don't forget to have some elegant, classy, and stylish-looking glasses like plastic champagne flutes for New Year. When you serve your guests, everything needs to be perfect or cooperate with the decor. Our fancy plastic champagne flutes can make you achieve the ideal way of serving your guests with style and honor.
We have some of the best collections of disposable party champagne flutes that will let you serve with your style at a fraction of the cost.
Moreover, these disposable plastic champagne glasses won't need any cleaning. Instead, you will have to dispose of them after a single use. So get these fantastic stylish plastic glass collections for your following bubbly bar setup, and allow yourself to relax after the party is over.
New Year Party Themes
Once you have done all of the above, we suggest some of the following party themes:
The extravagance of colorful flowers, pineapple, coconut cocktails, and hot dances with music - Hawaiian fun will give you a feeling of hot summer, even in the cold winter. Simple costumes and plenty of scenery, a noisy party at home.
Where are the bandits from the main road if there is an endless ocean around? Three-horned, frayed sailor suit and faithful sword - ready to search for treasure! The topic is equally appealing to children, teenagers, and adults. But the preparation will take a lot of time - chests with gold, nets, sails, and other accessories, imitation of the side of a ship or a pirate island.
This theme is ideal for lovers of bright summer vacation, regardless of the season outside the window. Sealife as a delicacy, warm sand in transparent containers, shells, corals, miniature boats, tropical herbs, and a wide selection of beach cocktails.
It's one of the fun ways to relax in the company of friends at home, and the bravest ones go to clubs right in their pajamas! But, for children, pajama fun will be a real adventure if guests stay overnight - mountains of pillows, sleeping bags or mattresses, sheet tents, electric lights, and creepy horror stories before bed.
Even after decades of peak popularity, Westerns evoke a spirit of adventure in us. Romantic prairie, tireless horses under the saddle, cowboy hat, shooting from the Colt, throwing hair without a miss. The atmosphere of the Wild West, with active competitions, will undoubtedly result in a perfect vacation!
Beer Party
An informal beer party is a great option when you don't want to spend time preparing. Funny wreaths of paper cups with foam tops, colorful triangles-flags, snacks, wings, Bavarian sausages - you're done. And how much emotion beer and other alcoholic parties bring!
A closet full of denim you can no longer carry, but is it a shame to throw it away? If your friends have it, then the denim party imposes itself. The most uncomplicated but spectacular design, light snacks, free entertainment - an original theme for all those who are young at heart.
Gambling, gourmet sweets, and expensive alcohol - a casino party will not leave anyone indifferent. Bet and win the jackpot with the enchanting sounds of jazz!
Gangster Theme
Beautiful retro clothes, past motifs, incendiary dances, and other entertainment in the company of the most dangerous mobsters/gangsters. In addition to playing mafia, dice, and roulette, competitions in alcohol and precision will also fit.
Follow the clues to unravel the mystery of the missing beer can. Or organize a spy test - shoot, check fingerprints, look for evidence, expose spies sent by an enemy organization. Suitable for a story.
Large selection of themes - Marvel or DC, favorite birthday superhero, all together, comics, movies, or cartoons. Recognizable pictures, active games, rescue missions - adults love it, let alone children with an endless thirst for adventure!
Under the spotlight's glow, you walk magnificently on the red carpet. Fans whine with delight, a helpful receptionist opens the door, and a waiter rushes to meet a glass of sparkling wine. And it's fun, as without it - screen tests, playing mini-scenes, playful nominations.
Themed holidays are not a fashion trend, a way to stand out or impress guests with the degree of preparation. Instead, these are felt-tip pens with which we write our book of memories - bright, colorful, and full of beautiful memories! And different styles of entertainment allow you to choose something close in spirit and mood.
Happy New Year Smarties!
With love, Smarty Had A Party!