DIY Vintage Escort Cards

There’s an infinite number of creative ways to give your escort cards a unique flare, but these DIY escort cards and stand has to be one of the most unique I’ve seen. If you’re into vintage, shabby-chic, or rustic decor this will be right in line with your taste.
I found an old wooden souvenir spoon display at Goodwill a while back. I had no idea what I was going to do with it, being that I don’t now, nor have I ever collected souvenir spoons but I thought it would look cute in my craft room. The whole idea of a useless spoon just doesn’t jive with my practical side. Souvenir shot glass? Now we’re talking. As my husband would say, “I WILL USE THIS!”
Materials:- Vintage souvinir spoon display
- Forks
- Scrapbook paper
Goodsuitable handwriting
At any rate, I brought home this new thrift store curiosity and spray painted it a robin’s egg blue which was my color-obsession of the moment (I also spray painted candlesticks, a picnic basket, a bread box, and just about anything else I could get my hands on in said color).
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Now... what to do, what to do with this thing?
I saw an escort card display on Pinterest (where else?) that used one with vintage forks to display where guests should be seated. Perfect! Now all I needed were some vintage-looking forks. Lucky for me I happen to work at a place that could provide me with just such a thing, only much cheaper and made of plastic.
All I did was cut out a cute table number for each row using scrapbook paper and then really thin strips for names to attach to the forks. Obviously this works better for a small party with only a few tables with a few (or many) chairs. If you need more, you’ll be running to Goodwills all over the countryside looking for more fork displays, but I’m betting there’s a bride out there who is up for the challenge, eh?
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