Art-Inspired Birthday Party
'If you’d like to recreated a similar get-together at home, the adorable “paint splash“ printables used throughout the party available in the Paper & Cake etsy shop. {I really think you could incorporate these cool printables into some creative adult-oriented celebrations as well!} Abigail’s mom is the director of AMOCA (American Museum of Ceramic Art), and she came to the party to do a special instruction on abstract painting for the kids! There were 4 stations for different kinds of art projects, including Canvas Painting & Tote Bag Stamping! If you’d like extremely detailed, step-by-step instructions on everything you see above & more, Abigail also created a 25-page Art Birthday Party Guide that’s also available in the Paper & Cake etsy shop. Here’s a {very small} excerpt on the adorable cake balls: ' Rainbow Cakeball Palette In conjunction with your centerpiece, you will want a colorful display of yummy treats. These inexpensive artist’s palettes were the perfect solution for a party without a traditional cake. The colorful rainbow of cakeballs were made by Terri’s Party Treasures, and shipped across the US in two days. The cakeballs are available in every cake flavor, and are coated in chocolate. The palettes are offered in three sizes – we used the small 9-1/2 x 6-1/2” ovals with seven “wells”. A new and clean paintbrush was placed on top for added interest.