4 for the 4th: Glow Cotton Candy

Milena Kukurekovic

What comes to your mind immediately when someone says, "It's the 4th of July today"? Of course. It's a holiday! It's a holiday for the USA's citizens to celebrate the declaration of independence.

A political activist and lawyer at the time, John Adams assisted Thomas Jefferson in making the necessary changes to the drafted declaration of independence. He wrote the below quoted words about the celebrations of the 4th of July to his wife "It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever." 

Nowadays, people celebrate this important holiday by putting up firework displays, carnivals, parades, games, and many more fun-filled activities. But, of course, we also get to listen to political speeches today. 

Suppose you are a citizen of The United States of America or Denmark. In that case, we know you always take this holiday as a chance to organize a fun-filled picnic, get-together, party, or an event to spend some much-needed quality time with your loved ones. 

So we came up with 4 awesome party ideas 4 all of you, Smarties, especially for the 4th of July.

We all love glow-in-the-dark items, don't we? Our first idea will make your heart happy. We are very sure. How does glow cotton candy sound to y'all? These are nothing like those so-greasy-that-they-actually-look-glow-in-the-dark potatoes you used to get with your hot meal in the school cafeterias. This perfection, my friends, is pure sugar, melt-in-your-mouth, light-up cotton candy goodness elegantly placed in our very own cocktail glasses. Cotton candy by itself is a work of art. So, let us get to what you need to put this together without further ado.

Cotton Candy

Here's what you'll need:

  • Cocktail glasses (We recommend tall glasses with stems that can be filled.)
  • Pink and blue cotton candy (It will be best if you can use fresh cotton candy. So they'll look both fresh and fluffy)
  • Red and blue glow sticks (2-3 sticks per glass)

The cotton candy and the sticks don't need to be the same color. You can use any color you want or is available, and it won't be much of a problem. 

Now that you have assembled all the necessary ingredients and utensils, here's how you can make our glow cotton candy.


First, wrap a handful of pink or blue cotton candy, or if you prefer both the colors, you can definitely do so, around 2-3 glow sticks. Be very gentle. We don't want to mold the cotton candy and make it stiff. Then slowly place one cotton candied glow stick in each cocktail glass. Take your time putting them; we do not want to break any glasses or drop our precious cotton candies. After placing the cotton candy in the glasses, arrange the cotton candy to fill the glass and loosely form an ice-cream-shaped top. And you are done. What are you waiting for? Serve and enjoy. These glow cotton candies are aesthetic and make your snack-filled table look spectacular. 

We are always here to clear your doubts. You might wonder whether you can use bagged cotton candy! Absolutely. Bagged cotton candy would definitely do the job. Still, fresh cotton candy is easier to wrap around the glow sticks and looks more delicious. So, we went to Dylan's Candy Bar for ours and had it made on the spot. What you need to keep in mind is the height of the cocktail glasses you will use. The glow sticks you buy must be the right height for your cocktail glasses. We used 5" glow sticks. However, a shorter length would still give off the same glow effect and be easier to work with.

Now that you know to make our glow cotton candy, at your upcoming 4th of July party, put one cotton candy cocktail next to each person's plate, switching between pink and blue. Like the idea of an element of surprise? Turn out the lights and surprise your guests by bringing the glow cotton candy on a tray at the end of the meal for dessert. If you can get your hands on your cotton candy machine, use glow sticks in place of the paper cones when spinning the sugar. It will end up looking SO cool. The adult, you can mix your choice of alcohol with some cotton candy to find whether you like the taste. 

Red, Blue, and White all the way, my friends. Since they are the colors of the American flag, you can stick to them as your theme. You can cover strawberries with chocolate, bake cakes, and cupcakes with your loved ones and decorate it, color rice crispies and popcorn with red, blue, white, etc. How can we forget the star shape? You can bake star-shaped cookies and decorate them with red, blue, and white sprinkles. The possibilities are endless. You can serve them in our clear plastic bowls for a more aesthetic look! Don't forget the navy blue, classic red, and white napkins.

As the theme of the day is red, blue, and white, all the decoration items, such as balloons, headbands, and ribbons, can be in those colors. You can later use the balloons to throw darts at. You can also make a large tic-tac-toe game area to play with friends in your backyard. What's even stopping you from having a sack race, game of tag of war, bingo, red light- green light? It's a holiday that's spent mostly outdoors, after all. 

4th of July Party Ideas

If you enjoy cooking and grilling, why not plan a cookout or a barbecue party? With your friends, you can make different salads, grilled chicken, beef and pork, corn, sausages, kebab, cook burgers, pasta, beans, etc.

How can we forget the cocktails? You can mix some orange, watermelon, grapefruit juice, or any juice with champagne to create your perfect cocktail. Try infusing the cocktail with some jalapeños for that much-needed kick. The cooking will help you have fun and fill your stomach with yummy goodness. Then you can go for a walk in the park in the evening with your friends to watch the fireworks displays!


Party on Smarties! With Love, Smarty Had A Party!

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